viernes, marzo 21, 2014

Rojo Bermellón

Acuarela, 28x20

4 comentarios:

Micros dijo...

Very nice.

The hard line from the neck to the shoulders, and the almost disappearance of the arm as it melds with the background. She seems distant from the viewer which brings about mystery.

Architecture, still life, landscapes and nudes, your interests are many. To me this means that you are constantly expanding, which is something we should all accomplish. Otherwise we become stagnant.


Entre pinceles y crochet dijo...

Me han gustado mucho tus pinturas

Jose Antonio G. Villarrubia dijo...

Micros,thank for his words, they are very valuable for me.
Desde Toledo, un saludo afectuoso.

Jose Antonio G. Villarrubia dijo...

Mercedes, muchas gracias.
Un cordial saludo.

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