viernes, octubre 01, 2010

Venus de Itálica, estudio

Dibujo, 35x24, tecnica mixta

10 comentarios:

Elvi dijo...

grande armonia. Elvi

lupus dijo...

Si bien esta Venus me gusta y mucho, José Antonio, para mí tus cuadros del estilo del de Toledo tienen auténtica "magia".

Un fuerte abrazo.


Anónimo dijo...

Acerca, amor, tu mano, y peina con sus dedos mi cabello, colócame en la mía esa hoja y empújame hacia arriba sin miedo, para emerger de las aguas, y poder verte de nuevo...

Clive dijo...

Hello Jose, always a pleasure to visit and see your new work; floral, figure or the buildings, which I probably like best. First saw one of your paintings of a building on wet canvas; I was very impressed but alas many of the comments just didn't get what you were doing with light and shadow on form! I've been doing a bit of instructing to make a bit of money, and have been pitching the idea of avoiding local colour, at least initially,in order to focus on the magic of light playing on form. So many painters are so obsessed with colour that they ignore or fail to understand light. I've used some of your images as examples of the masterful playing down of local colour to focus on light and shade. It helps open their eyes and eliminate the 'noise' of colour which so many artists are obsessed with and create chaos with.

You may be familiar with Wendy Artin, Jose, but in the event you aren't here's a link to her website:

You and she are very different painters, and I like both of your work, but like you, she has chosen, in much of her work, to eliminate the tyranny of local colour.

Best with your painting.

Jose Antonio G. Villarrubia dijo...

Cara Elvi, molte grazie per il tuo commento.
Un saludo!

Jose Antonio G. Villarrubia dijo...

Hola Enrique!
Muchas gracias por tu comentario.
Un abrazo

Jose Antonio G. Villarrubia dijo...

Muchas gracias Anonimo por este texto tan bonito.

Jose Antonio G. Villarrubia dijo...

Amigo Clive, thank you very much for your words, my English is not very good, I hope that you forgive me.
Not conocia to this magnificent painter, graces for the link.
Un abrazo desde Toledo.

Mery dijo...

Esos tonos piedra le van de maravilla a la figura estática y descabezada.

Jose Antonio G. Villarrubia dijo...

Hola Mery!
Gracias por tu comentario, es una escultura preciosa, esta en Sevilla, solo me he aproximado torpemente...
Un beso

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